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Buying the Shaw Digital Edition of Dante’s Commedia

The Shaw Digital Edition of Dante’s Commedia was published by Scholarly Digital Editions (UK) and SISMEL (Italy) on 1 December 2010. Orders through SDE may be made from outside Italy only (ISBN 1-904628-15-X [individual], 1-904628-16-8 [institutional]). If you are ordering from Italy, go to the SISMEL site (ISBN 978-88-8450-389-3 [individual], 978-88-8450-391-6 [institutional]). The institutional licence permits you to mount this publication on a single networked installation with no more than twenty computers attached, and to lend this DVD-ROM to members of the institution, who may project images from it for instructional use.

It is available on DVD-ROM for Macintosh and Windows PCs. You need a recent internet browser; all other software is provided on the DVD-ROM.

All credit card payments on this site are carried out through PayPal, to assure the security of your purchase.

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